Thinkswap Elite uploads are held to a higher standard than other uploads and are generally expected to be "textbook quality".
We have listed below some points that the team looks for during the review process.
- Documents uploaded to Thinkswap Elite are expected to be of the highest standard. This includes up to date and relevant subject content that is accurate and covers all topics in extensive detail.
- We expect: easy to read format and structure, contents pages and a logical layout of subject topics.
- We also look for well filled out titles and descriptions and ensure that documents have been categorised under the correct subjects.
Document Type:
- Complete Study Notes: For this upload type, we only accept complete study notes that cover a full subject's content in extensive detail. Notes are expected to be "textbook quality".
- To upload to Thinkswap you must be the author of the document or have the copyright owner’s permission.
- We do not accept the following: lecture slides, past exams, textbook, tutorial solutions, subject notes separated into multiple files and any other documents where you are not the author.
- Please remove all personal details from the document. E.g. name, student number and any other contact details.
- All files must be in PDF format and not be greater than 40 MB in size