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Thinkswap Help Centre
Uploading to Thinkswap
Uploading to Thinkswap
About Uploading
The different upload types
What document types we accept
Will my personal details be associated with the document I have uploaded?
The document review process
How long will it take for my upload to be approved?
Why can I see only the Thinkswap Classic upload type?
Thinkswap Classic
Earning Exchange Credits with Thinkswap Classic
Upload requirements for Thinkswap Classic
How many Exchange Credits will I receive for my upload?
How many Exchange Credits do I need to get a document?
Where are my Exchange Credits?
Thinkswap Elite
Earn money for your study documents
Why should you sell your work through Thinkswap?
How is Thinkswap Elite different from Thinkswap Classic?
Upload requirements for Thinkswap Elite
How much will I earn?
When and how will I get paid?